Through this medium, my attempt is to revive the old age recipes for a healthy and soulful life. Happy eating live long cheers

choco whipped cream pastry | Moist Chocolate Pastry Cake | Easy choco cake


Choco Whipped Cream Pastry Eggless

we all love chocolates in any form right  hands up if there is any one who dont like chocolate ha ha i guess it may be few but how about chocolates in form of pastry cakes yes its my long time wish list and its my first try too i am happy with the results while it need more practice when comes to frosting however the taste was just amazing.

I has baked many packet ready cake mix by different brands and posted several on my you tube channel too but i have to say that while they came out just perfect but some where i was not quite comfortable .

Home baking by our own is the best especially when we give to our kids we can give without any guilt as we know the right ingredients gone in without any added chemicals or preservatives. Typically inmost packed food for the shell life there will be  added preservatives which may be harmful in long run.

I started my baking journey as a hobby but it has become my passion and all credit to my little one who has been my great motivator as she keep motivating me to try different bakes...This chocolate pastry too  its been in her long time wish list but due to lockdown i could not buy whipped cream so used whipped cream powder in this pastry which came out really good too taste wise as well not bad at all.

Before you think when are we going in  to the recipe here you go without any further delay below thw recipe details.

If you wish to watch video here is a link below,

                                     Choco Whipped Cream pastry


Whole wheat flour 1 cup
coco 1/4th cup
baking powder 1 tsp
baking soda 1/2 tsp
pinch of salt
chocolate ganache 5 tbsp
whipped cream 1 cup or powder 50 gm
1 cup milk 
(1/2 cup milk for whipped  cream if you using powder)
1/4th milk for the batter
vanilla essense 1 tsp
oil 1/4th cup
curd 1/4th cup
jaggery powder or brown sugar 1/2 cup +2 tbsp
lemon juice or vinegar 1 tsp
shredded chocolates or cadbury shots for topping


How to make Chocolate Ganache?

Dark chocolate: 1 cup
Fresh Cream:1 cup

Using double boiler heat the cream and add the chopped chocolates and leave it after 10 minutes
and switch off stove.

After 10 minutes just stir the chocolates it will start melting keep stiring till the chocolates completely dissolved till you get soft silky shinny chocolaty sauce/syrup.

Cling wrap it once its slightly at room temperature and leave for it to set.The consistency of the ganache is totally depends on the ratio of the cream and the chocolates you take for 1:1 ratio you get semi thick scoopable consistency of ganache once it set.For better results leave over night for it to set,

How to make chocolate sponge?

Sieve the flour,coco,baking powder,baking soda and salt and leave aside.
Take a  bowl add oil,and jaggery powder and whisk well till jaggery melts completely.
Add curd,vanilla essence and two tbsp of chocolate ganache  and whisk well.
Tbsp of lemon juice or vinegar too whisk well till all combined together  the with oil & curd mixture.
Now slowly add the wet to the dry ingredients and mix well by adding milk little by little till you get smooth lump free batter,

Pre heat the oven at 200 degree C for10 minutes and bake it for 35 minutes with the same temperature.

Insert tooth pick or knife if its comes out clean which means  your cake is baked.

Allow it to cool down completely.

How to make whipped cream?

If you using cream one cup of cream whisk well till stiff peaks.I used powder so 50gm of powder with 150 ml of cold milk whisk it well till stiff peaks appear.

Once its soft peak add 3 tbsp of chocolate ganache and whisk more till stiff peaks.

Leave it in fridge for 15 minutes for it to set.

How to make frosting?

Cut the cake in to three layers and shave the top too to make it even .

Apply the chocolate frosting on each layers 

Apply frosting on the sides and top too if you want add some chocolate glaze on top for better finishing.

Once frosting don leave it in fridge for 15 to  30 mts.

After 30 mts takeout and do pipping and decorations of your choice.

I decorated using cadbury shots.

This is just yum choco whipped cream pastry and easy too do try.

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