Through this medium, my attempt is to revive the old age recipes for a healthy and soulful life. Happy eating live long cheers

Butterfly Pea Flower Health Benefits / A Magical Drink to loss weight / Blue Tea

Butterfly pea flower tea(Blue Tea) is a trending health drink now among people who looking for various ways to lose weight and stay fit.

When comes to Tea what comes to your mind a brown coloured drink may be with flavours like cardamon,lemon added to it however here comes a tea which comes with a beautiful looking blue/purple colour and in all it comes with zero calories and caffeine free.

Blue tea made using the flowers which comes from the plant clitoria ternatea also called as butterfly pea or blue pea.The shape of the flowers beleived to resemble female human genitals so called as clitoria which is derived from clitoris.The process of making blue is very simple the flowers either dried or fresh boiled and the decotion is filtered and lemon flavour added to make it more tasty.

This magical drink helps in weight loss.People who are obese who are looking various ways to reduce weight also to stay fit. Definitely sipping warm tea is one such way in that here is a gorgeous looking blue colored tea definitely trending today among people who looks to lose weight.

So  what causes weight gain many things but most culprit among several other reasons is fatty liver disease.Study says Blue tea helps in combating this fatty liver diasease henceithelps in weight gain.

It is also good for a diabetic it helps to keep the blood sugar levle under control.

Also Blue tea rich in Antioxidants.We all know antioxidants helps in flushing the toxins out from the body.

Here are some of the potential benefits of Butterfly pea flower tea>

  • Helps in eye sight
  • helps to get rid of stress,anxiety.
  • Keeps your mind calm hence combat depression.
  • Helps in diabetics to keep blood sugar level under control.
  • healthy heart
  • Rich in antioxidants
These days blue tea are easily available online.
Looking to buy them onlineclick the below links.

blue tea online

white & Blue butterfly pea seed.

Why Wait ow enjoy this cup of tea post your meals or even during office breaks carry the packets dip it in hot water and enjoy...

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