Through this medium, my attempt is to revive the old age recipes for a healthy and soulful life. Happy eating live long cheers

Authentic Sabudana (Tapioca Sago) Bird's Nest

What you going to learn through this post.? 

Recipe for Authentic Sabudana (Tapioca Sago) bird nest.

With the onset of monsoon we gradually would start experiencing a change in the weather. I really thank the rain gods for their arrival in the southernmost coast of India.
I starting writing this post as soon as I started seeing a drizzle today. I love the nice fragrances that one can experience during the onset of monsoon.

Finally the summer vacations are also drawing to a close and its nearing time for the schools to re-open, and that is getting the chef alive in me to literally think of out-of-box recipes which would be nutritious, delicious and the same time attractive to kids.

There are many recipes that one can think of using Sabudana(Tapioca Sago), like Vadas, Khichidi’s, upma etc. I thought let me try making an English Recipe “Birds Nest” using Sabudana.

My idea is to try using Vermicelli combined with Sabudana mix along with few other ingredients. 

Let's get started.. I don't have step by step pictures surely will add in the future however will try to explain detail on the process. 

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes 
Cuisine :  starter, Snack


Sabudana soaked
Aloo Mashed
Peanuts crushed
Coriander leaves chopped
Ginger grated
Green chillies chopped 
Salt for taste
Any Vermicelli
Oil for frying
Italian seasoning pinch
All purpose flour 2 tsp

Except flour and vermicelli mix all the ingredients. Keep little soaked Sabudana aside for frying I used this to top it my nest to look like eggs otherwise you can keep green peas boiled also. 

Make it like a round balls and shape it like a small cup. 

Dilute flour in water and make it like a thin paste for coating. 

Place roasted vermicelli in a dry plate. 

Coat the cups in to the flour paste and use dry hands to coat this in to a vermilion ensure that the cup coated with vermicelli evenly so that while frying it will come out like a bird nest. 

After frying the nest towards end fry little soaked Sabudana and keep aside add little salt and pepper for taste so that while eating the nest the crunch Sabudana on top will not blend.

Now place these white beauties on top of the Sabudana bird nest and serve it with chutneys or even sauces. 

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