Through this medium, my attempt is to revive the old age recipes for a healthy and soulful life. Happy eating live long cheers

Summer Special - Mango Ice Cream

Mango Ice Cream.

What is best fruit that gets consumed during the summer months. I’ve heard its mangoes and mangoes everywhere irrespective of the factor of heat.
The best ever gift in summer is ice-cream and mangoes, mixing these two with some nuts along with it would be the best ever summer blockbuster I think.
 Before we say goodbye to summer let me experiment making ice cream for my little one who is relishing mangoes since when her tastes buds developed so the mother in me thinking for more and more recipes which will keep her joy and happy. 

Let's see how to make homemade mango Ice creams with very simple steps. 

It does require too many Ingredients. All we need is just  2 good Alphonso mangoes, condensed milk, cream, sugar and some pistachios(optional)

It's very simple, easy no churn ice-cream so let's get started in making this wonderful desert to cool down this summer... 


 2 Alphonso mangoes (puree) 

Free cream whipped -2 cup
Condensed milk-1cup 
Sugar-as required
Pistachios (optional) 


Whip the fresh cream using balloon whisk or electric beater in order to whip the cream in quick time you may want to cool down the cream even the bowl which you are planning to use inside refrigerator for sometime. 

In order to get the creamy consistency whip till just cling when you lift the beater or whisker. 

Pure the mangoes along with sugar and few pistachios the nuts are optional. My kid always like a bit  nutty crunch flavour so I do. 

Now add this in to  another bowl along with condensed milk and the pureed mangoes and give it a good mix. 

Place this mixture in a tray and set it for 1 hour. after 1 hour remove it from freezer and whisk more so that the ice-cream consistency will be more smoother and creamier if you lack time in doing this step  you can avoid this no issues. 

Allow this to set now for 6to 8  hrs for it to set completely. 

After 8 hrs it's completely set you can serve it with any deserts or fresh fruits.

