Through this medium, my attempt is to revive the old age recipes for a healthy and soulful life. Happy eating live long cheers

Summer Special - Authentic Lychee Kulfi with Mangoes

Lychee is a tropical fruit with a rough pink skin and has a whitish oval shaped fruit loaded with vitamins. It is also rich in minerals like copper and potassium which not only helps to keep the blood pressure under check but also it helps prevent breast cancer.

General tip while buying:

Always go for pink layered lychees as brownish layered ones are may be over ripe. 

Did you know this? 

While the exotic fruit is sweet however it's seeds are toxic by nature and its widely popular in China & India

Today Lathu’s Kitchen present, “Lychee kulfi with Mango Swirling Twist”


Corn Starch
2 Table Spoon
Full Cream Milk
1/2 Litre
Cardamon Powder
Half Table Spoon
Few Strings
Dry fruits
5 Table Spoons
5 - 6 fruits
How to make? 

Take a bowl and dilute corn starch with little milk and sugar along and bring it to boil. 

Then boil the remaining milk add cardamom powder and add to the corn starch sugary milk. You will now the consistency is slightly thicker, put off the stove and let it cool for some time. 

Chop the lychees and mangoes finely and it to the above mix. 

Take the kulfi mould add few Saffron strings on the top and pour the cooled mix slowly and set it in fridge for a period of about 6 hours.

After 6 hrs, once it's set transfer it to a bowl or plate, top it with dry fruits and serve. 

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