Through this medium, my attempt is to revive the old age recipes for a healthy and soulful life. Happy eating live long cheers

Foxtail Millet Vegetable Upma -

An Ignored Cereal –“Millet's”

Millets are one of the oldest food grains that was discovered and consumed by humans. The very nature of this grain allows it to grow dry conditions and ready to harvest plants in a small period of 65 days.

Now here is Why we need to eat millets?
Nutritional facts:
These grains are known to be non-glutinous are highly nutritious and most importantly non-acidic which helps soothe the stomach and also is easy to digest. These grains are also known to be the least allergenic and most digestible grains that are available to us. Unlike its counterpart “Rice”, Millet's typically release lesser percentage of glucose and therefore lowers the risk of diabetes too.
 Lets know more about the various easy to make recipes using our cereal friend, “Millets”
Recipe 1: Kuthiraivali (Barnyard)Pal Payasam

A delicious milk-based dessert(payasam) with its origins traced to the quintessential villages of Tamilnad

Preparation Time: 15 min

Cooking Time: 30 Mins

Total Cooking Time: 45 Mins

Recipe Type: Dessert

Ø  Barnyard millet / Kuthiraivali – 1/2 cup
Ø  Cashews/raisins – 1/2 cup
Ø  Sugar – 1 cup
Ø  Milk – 5 cups
Ø  Cinnamon  Powder – 1 tsp
Ø  Ghee – 1 tsp


1.   Clean the millet’s gently in water and thereafter soak the same for 20 minutes.
2.   Add 1 tbsp of Ghee and gently fry some cashews and raisin till golden-brown
3.   Boil ½ cup of milk and add millet and stir to mix well
4.   Close the pan and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. Keep stirring in between for the Payasam so that it does not stick to the pan.
5.   Open the pan and check if millet are cooked. If you are able to mash it between your fingers it means you are almost there.
6.   Add sugar and stir till it gets dissolved in the milk.
7.   Add fried cashews, raisins and cinnamon powder. If you feel the consistency  is too thick, add more milk and mix it well. Serve it hot or cold..
8.   Tip: you can as well pressure cook the millet by putting the string of cinnamon along which will be more flavorful and will give you unique taste.

Watch this space for more on the various simple recipes that can create a healthy difference in your life

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